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  • How will the training be imparted?

    Training will be imparted through live online interactive sessions and the duration will be as per the Module-wise Schedule.

  • What are the software and hardware requirements?

    You need to have a stable and speedy internet for live streaming, Headphones, and Microphone.

  • What should I do if there are any technical difficulties?

    If you experience any technical snag, Contact info@edvedha.com or call on +91 7981969261

  • What will be the course timings?

    The course timings will be scheduled and informed to you regularly. Typically, you will need to dedicate 4hrs/week.

  • What are the prerequisites for the course?

    There are no specific prerequisites. Nevertheless, having basic skills in accordance with the course would be a good starting point.

  • How do I communicate with the mentor?

    You cannot engage in any verbal communication while the session is going on. There is a provision of sending in your queries via Chat Box preferably at the end of the session.

  • What should I do if I cannot attend a live session?

    If you miss any session for any reason, the recorded session will be mailed to you. If you have any queries, you can raise them in the next live session.

  • Can the students download the contents of the course?

    No, there will not be circulation of any course content to the students.

  • Will there be any project at the end of the course?

    Yes. There will be a minor project(individual) and a major project( Group of 10) at the end of the course.

  • Whom will I be doing my project with?

    There will be a Minor Project that you will do individually. Additionally, a Major Project done in groups. Groups of 10 will be created and a mentor will be assigned to each group who will guide the group and clear their doubts. Exclusive sessions(8 hrs) will be provided for the same.

  • Will I be provided with any Certificate?

    You will be provided with valuable certifications on successful completion of course. Please check the website for specifics.